Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference

Book Bloggers & Publishers Online Conference

Today is the beginning of the Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference. It’s a five day conference of live online chats covering almost everything you’ve ever wanted to know about book blogging or publishing. The sessions include an audio and chat component, and they are all recorded. If you want to attend live, you can call in with questions for the panel. If you can’t attend live, you can access the recordings of the sessions for 60 days after the conference.

Last night there was a brief opening test session, and there were about 30 of us listening and chatting. I saw some old faces and met some new ones. I’m really excited to see how this conference turns out, and am sure I’m going to learn a lot and make some new bloggy friends.

The conference takes place at a private ning site, and after you register you’re given a link to complete your registration. The forums are already up and running, and there are places to link your blog or individual reviews for critique, as well as discussions about design, publicity, giveaways, genres, and many more.

Registration is still open! The cost is $45 for the conference, and all participants will receive free books generously provided by participating publishers. You send a list of the titles you want to the organizers, they tell you the cost for shipping and you get free books! Easy peasy. There’s also a large selection of ebooks if you don’t want to deal with shipping costs.

Are any of you attending? If so, I’ll see you there. If not, come join us! I think it will be well worth it.