Writing Wednesday (9) – Blogging Personality

Writing Wednesday 2

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Welcome to Writing Wednesday, my weekly feature where I discuss my works in progress, project ideas, editing struggles, or anything else related to the world of writing. Feel free to grab my button and post your own thoughts on writing! Leave a link to your post in the comments and I’ll stop by.

Lately I’ve felt like there wasn’t a whole lot of “me” shining through on this blog. It’s a bit of a balancing act, isn’t it? On the one hand I don’t want to blather on about myself when you came here to read about books or writing or whatever silly thing I feel like bringing up on Sundays. On the other hand, it is so boring to read dry reviews, bare-bones posts, and frivolous content, which is where I fear I’m headed.

I didn’t start a blog to exorcise my personal demons, pouring my every thought into the blogosphere. I didn’t think this would be an exercise in cold banality either. Yet still I struggle to find the happy medium. Some days I go on frenetic commenting sprees where I leave witty remarks and dazzle myself with my own brilliance. (Shh, just go with it.) Those are the times when I wonder, Why can’t I write posts like that?

It’s so much easier to engage in repartee than to just mouth off to potential silence. Blogging sure has a way of feeling like that sometimes. What if no one visits today? What if no one comments? There’s nothing worse than feeling like you are talking and nobody’s listening.

That universal writing fear can strike all of us, whether we are bloggers, authors, or scholars. That thought can paralyze us and keep us from achieving our dreams. When we do connect with readers, via comments, letters, or conversations at conferences, it validates the feeling that we have something worth saying. Not only that, but we say it in a way that someone likes. How awesome is that?

I want to share myself with all of you so that we can make that personal connection. I’m not sure I’m accomplishing that here just yet. I want my voice to shine through so you can decide whether you think I’m kind, funny, interesting, and most importantly – readable. I’m contemplating participating in fewer memes, or at least less frequently, so I can open up my schedule for less rigid posts.

What do you think? Want more of me, or should I keep on keepin’ on?

Why do you read the bloggers you do? What do you expect of them?