Writing Wednesday – Q1 check-in and Q2 goals

Writing Wednesday 2
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Welcome to Writing Wednesday, my weekly feature where I discuss my works in progress, project ideas, editing struggles, or anything else related to the world of writing. Feel free to grab my button and post your own thoughts on writing! Leave a link to your post in the comments and I’ll stop by.

I realized today that I haven’t checked in lately about my writing projects. It’s time to face the music. Remember a few months back when I made some writing goals for the first three months of the year?

Yeah. Me neither.

Life got the better of me, and until this weekend, I hadn’t devoted much time to fiction writing. I’ve been doing a lot of writing for school, and with my capstone project this quarter, there will certainly be a whole bunch more coming down the pipeline. I think it’s safe to say that my books will need a little bit more of a hiatus before I can really commit the time to them that they deserve.

I did start a new project, however, and it’s one that is really exciting me. I wanted to step away from the fantasy world I created and start somewhere fresh. I needed new inspiration, and this story has been pulling at me for some time. I still can’t believe that this story hasn’t already been done (it has to do with the Macbeth theater curse), but I decided to just go for it anyway and banged out around 3,500 words.

It’s a contemporary YA novel with some supernatural elements. But it could go anywhere, which is the beauty of it. I was so excited just to be back in the theater world and writing about something I know inside and out. I haven’t put in the time to really build the fantasy world in my other manuscript, and it’s so much easier right now to just pour my heart into these contemporary characters.

I know, I know. Easier isn’t better. Right now, though, with so much on my plate, I want to stick to what I know. So it’s time for Q2 goals! I’m going to keep this conservative so I can make them realistic while still having time for my thesis.

April: Write 10,000 words for new project.
May: Write 5,000 words for new project.
June: Revise old project using input from critique group.

I’ll try to keep you posted about my progress. I’ll check back in early July with new goals for Q3. Wish me luck!